203. Kriyā Yoga, "tap" into your inner fire!

Patañjali’s Yoga Sūtras guide us through the path of yoga, offering a framework for both understanding and practice. We have now begun exploring Sādhana Pāda, the chapter that shifts focus from philosophy to disciplined action.

At the heart of this chapter is Kriyā Yoga, which is yoga in the active life. It is not reserved for ascetics, monks, or nuns—it is yoga for all of us, woven into daily life. The practice (sādhana) is essential for anyone walking this path, as it transforms knowledge into experience.

Kriyā Yoga consists of three core principles:

  • Tapas – self-discipline and effort

  • Svādhyāya – self-study and reflection

  • Īśvara-praṇidhāna – surrender and devotion

Of these, tapas plays a crucial role. It is often misunderstood as suffering or self-punishment, but that is not its true meaning. Tapas is about self-control, the ability to stay steady in our efforts without being ruled by impulses or distractions.

The Sanskrit root of tapas is "tap", meaning "to burn." This burning is not destructive but purifying—it clears away the obstacles that stand between us and our goal. It is the cultivation of tapas that fuels inner transformation, building perseverance and inner strength.

Tomorrow, we’ll dive deeper into tapas and its role in practice.


204. Tapas. Mind over mattress!


202. Kriyā Yoga. Yoga in the active life!