204. Tapas. Mind over mattress!

Second chapter, verse one introduces the components of Kriyā Yoga, the yoga of action. Yesterday, we explored tapas—self-discipline and effort. Today, we focus on tapas in daily life and how it applies to our everyday actions.

Cultivating tapas means developing sturdy self-discipline, the ability to endure short-term discomfort for a greater goal. It is the willingness to push through moments of resistance, knowing that the effort we put in now shapes our future growth. Tapas is not about suffering; it is about transformation—choosing what is difficult in the moment because it serves a higher purpose in the long run.

Consistency is a key aspect of tapas. It is not just about pushing ourselves occasionally but about showing up again and again, even when motivation fades. This consistency generates an internal heat, a kind of friction that arises when we challenge our own limitations. The Sanskrit root of tapas, "tap", means "to burn." This fire is what refines and strengthens us, much like heat purifies gold.

My friend David Irvine’s father had a saying about winning the "mind over mattress" battle—the simple act of getting up in the morning is the first tapas. Making the bed might be the second. These small but intentional acts of self-discipline set the tone for the day, reinforcing the ability to make conscious choices rather than being led by comfort or habit.

When we cultivate tapas, we build the resilience to face greater challenges. Whether in our yoga practice, work, relationships, or personal growth, every moment of perseverance strengthens our inner resolve. This is the essence of tapas—not self-punishment, but the steady fire of effort that leads us toward transformation.

Tomorrow, we’ll continue exploring how tapas shapes our journey.


205. Coffee habit stacking?


203. Kriyā Yoga, "tap" into your inner fire!