009. Mr Robot, “What about me?”

You don't have to be a Yogi to derive value from the Yoga Sutras concept of gaining control over our mental processes.

We often find ourselves entangled in the whirlpools of our mind-stuff, where thoughts and emotions churn relentlessly, affecting our minds and bodies. The Sanskrit word "Citta," encompassing the mind, intellect, and ego, plays a central role in this dynamic interplay.

In exploring the intricacies of our mental faculties, we encounter the "manas," the recording faculty of the senses, and the "buddhi," representing intellect and discernment.

Drawing upon an analogy from television evangelist Joyce Meyer, who likens our internal dialogue to a raspy robot repeating, "What about me?"—we gain insight into the mind's incessant chatter.

Understanding how the recording faculty continuously operates allows us to observe and discern the difference between sensory input, cognitive processing, and behavioural response.

By cultivating this awareness, we can navigate the complexities of our inner landscape with greater clarity and purpose.


010. Paris, pastries, and good espresso!


008. My metaphorical Storm Cellar.