158. Maitrī. Practicing friendliness.

In Yoga Sutra 1:33, Patanjali offers us a profound piece of wisdom that transcends any single tradition or belief system. This verse, expressed with the beauty of the Sanskrit language, begins a series of practices from Sutra 1:33 to Sutra 1:39 that are designed to guide us toward citta vritti nirodhah (चित्तवृत्तिनिरोधः), the stilling of the fluctuations of the mind.

Patanjali’s practices here are inclusive, drawing on ideas found in both Buddhism and Classical Yoga. They provide universal guidelines for cultivating a peaceful, balanced mind. In Sutra 1:33, Patanjali introduces four essential attitudes:

  1. Maitrī (मैत्री)friendliness toward those who are happy.

  2. Karunā (करुणा)compassion for those who are suffering.

  3. Muditā (मुदिता)joy in the success and well-being of others.

  4. Upekṣā (उपेक्षा)equanimity or non-reactiveness in situations where others’ behaviours are challenging or difficult or evil.

Each of these Sanskrit words signifies a practice that, while rooted in ancient teachings, remains timeless and accessible. These attitudes suggest intentional actions and responses that we can consciously cultivate to bring harmony into our lives.

Consider the potential of focusing today on Maitrī—friendliness. What if we approached this as a one-pointed practice? What effect might it have if we studied the nature of friendship, prioritized friendly actions, and actively generated friendliness toward others? Each interaction could become an opportunity to bring this attitude of goodwill to life, creating connections based on warmth and kindness.

These practices in Sutra 1:33 are not merely ideals; they are pathways we can walk daily, beginning with a simple intention and then nurturing it through our actions. By practicing just one of these qualities with focus and dedication, we begin to create shifts within ourselves that radiate outward, influencing the world around us. Through friendliness, compassion, joy, and equanimity, we gradually move toward the calm, balanced mind that Patanjali describes, finding a quiet center within.


159. Maitrī (मैत्री) - friendly envy?


157. One pointed. Don’t miss the mark!